Apart from our best-selling tactical line, we also have a wonderful array of yoga mats, towels, and mat bags. Here's one of our faves: The Tie Dye Yoga Mat Towel with Slip-Resistant Grip Dots!
Here's the link directly to this towel in our store:
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And a bit about our best-selling towel:
Bring an end to the frustration of slipping when trying to hold a pose or flow easily in a heated yoga session with this non-slid Yoga Towel. The super-absorbant microfiber is soft and comfortable, and capable of absorbing up to nine times its weight, but dries quickly. The 71”x24” size covers your whole mat while the thin, lightweight design takes up very little space in your gym bag, making it versatile for Pilates or any standard gym workout.
Drop on by & let us know your fave color-combo!
Pez & Maria