Hi Jimmy you told me that the contact info for fadband.com was bogus and not to trust them but yesterday i actuaslly recieved the items i ordered from them they posted on saturday i got them tuesday. The question im asking you now is should i order from them again as i am impressed by the quality of their products or is it a bait a scam situation? Also the email address you checked out bukelong@163.com where was that from as the one i have is
Online Salesman : Wendy Michael Jason
M S N : Sales-fadbrand@hotmail.com
E-mail : Service@fadbrand.com
Yahoo ID: fadbrand_fadbrand
T E L : +86-595-22181608
F A X : +86-595-22191606
TradeManager: cgs_cnfadbrand cnfadbrand
Only believe these contact information!!!
Im not saying i dont believe you but just curious as to how you got different details. Also the ems invoice they sent me says:
Name: Mr Lui
Address: rm 908, 115 chan garden, tian an rd, fujian china
Would be great if you can get anymore info on them please.