That is why I have decided to not use ebay. It just seems to be a race to the bottom to see who can sell the cheapest and of course that will be the wholesalers who sell for prices that most could never afford to sell for.
As for fees in general I guess you need to mark that into your price to cover it. Which is once again why I will not be using ebay the race to cheapness would mean that hardly anyone can make money. I have also noticed many wholesalers listed here are not genuine wholesalers as they sell to individuals. They are actually our competition and by giving them money we are actually making it harder on ourselves. I say if they sell to individuals we should not buy off them.
The rule is manufacturers sell to wholesaler and wholesalers sell to retailers and retailers sell to end customers. Not wholesalers sell to end customers therefore undermining retailers.
If all online retailers refused to do business with wholesalers who also sell to end customers at the same price or pithily sales tax off I can guarantee they would stop the business. The online retail stores are their biggest business.
But paypal fees, shipping fees, import fees I will be adding to my price. I have priced some items from China and yes they are always from china to be priced fair enough and compared them to online stores (not ebay). I have found that yes I can in some cases make a profit.
For example a Corset selling from a chinese wholesaler for $8 found the same one selling on an online store for 58 dollars I think I could get the costs in there and still make a little profit.
I have also thought of a way to include shipping without making it appear to dear. As I have learned shipping costs must be past on to the customer but the trick is to magically make them believe they are not paying it or they are getting it very cheaply. It is all an illusion.