Quick question. In the article "Importing to the US, Procedures, Duties". It states:
"Another tip is to stay away from designer replicas as these are subject to more scrutiny and may cause Trade marking and Copyright issues. If you are particularly worried about getting started, I suggest only importing small lots until you feel more confident with the process. Customs are primarily interested in very large orders and small parcels valued under $1,000 are usually waved on through."
When they say designer replicas does this include Asian fashion brands? What I mean by Asian fashion brands is Japanese, Hong Kong, Taiwanese, Korean fashion apparel (designer labels only known across Asia).
I asked three different Asian wholesaler about providing proof that the goods I am purchasing is authentic. However, this was their reply
"In China, they do not have certificate of authenticity unlike Europe country."
And I contacted at least three different wholesalers and they all said the same thing.
Anyway, my point is that when I do begin to order large quanities of Asian fashion apparel, I will not be able to prove if it is authentic or not. What should I do?
Does anyone know anything about importing Asian fashion into the US and what are the restrictions and regulations for this?
Thank you.