Hi Joe, and welcome to the site. Really glad you made the decision to join us all : )
I can see that you've already had lot's of good advice, so from a visual marketing perspective I would suggest going with a richer green on your header. I think that shade you currently have washes out quite badly and looses impact, which you are looking to make as much impact when you get a hit on you site as possible.
It also seems quite space with just the two birds there, I think you could definitely add more grunt with better graphics. Perhaps a sound file on the home page, some muted parrot calls from the dense green jungle would then tie in with a deeper more vivid green header?
Hopefully you can see where I'm going with that : )
Don't capture a potential customers attention quickly, and they can be gone before you know it!
In regards to marketing, I like hat you are doing, but also look at specialty pet forums to get into, that's your primary market so you would be preaching to the converted!
Always nice to see members chasing selling avenues outside of eBay as well, so kudos to you for that, but don't over look eBay as a traffic generating opportunity for your site.