Hi thepaulmorris,
I haven't personally dealt with them but they do have a very tempting line of brands/products. DO note that this supplier is from China. It wouldn't be too wise to source for authentic brand name items from there since 9 our of 10 times these will be either fakes, replicas or knock-offs.
Also you mentioned that they do accept PayPal, but do note that they will only accept PayPal for sample orders worth $300 down. So if you order more than that, then you'll have to use wire transfers which is not so ideal. Also I ran a whois check on them, they have been online for just a little over a year, ideally we would recommend that you deal with suppliers who have been online for at least 2 years.
If you are looking for authentic brand name clothing, I suggest you look elsewhere and I'm sure many of our senior members may tell you likewise.
Hope this helps..Cheers! :)