hello everyone,

I am just curious to know what would be the diffrence to sell authentic clothings bought from liquidator versus selling authentic clothings from unauthorized runs'? How does ebay know that get your products from liquidator or an authorized runs' supplier?

I understand that it will be 'unauthorized' to sell them, but i think 99% of the the sellers on ebay are unauthorized simply because if everyone is authorized to sell brand clothes ebay will be more like a department store than a worldwide e-market.

any feedback would be highly appreciated!

Can you clarify where you are are talking about when you say unauthorised runs?


I think we are talking about items claiming to be authentic here. How does eBay know if they are or aren't?

well, what i mean with unauthorized runs' are the clothings that has been manufactoried from the same factory that produce those clothings.

They 'look' 100% authentic because they from the same factory with all materials & tags exactly the same as the ones selling in stores.

Because i learned from here that ebay don't allow you to sell those clothing because of authorization....but they do allow you to sell liquidation items.

so im just curious to know that how does ebay identify if the clothing is from unauthorized runs' factory or from liquidators...

well, what i mean with unauthorized runs' are the clothings that has been manufactoried from the same factory that produce those clothings.

Because i learned from here that ebay don't allow you to sell those clothing because of authorization....but they do allow you to sell liquidation items.

so im just curious to know that how does ebay identify if the clothing is from unauthorized runs' factory or from liquidators...

im pretty sure they don't have to. Think about it. If ebay gets enough complaints from customers - those assume there are those who go through the trouble of going direct to the company to ask if it's authentic, even to go as far as shipping them the item. Usually, said company would offer some incentive for them to do so such as a trade for the 'authentic' item. You may get away with it for a while but eventually you'll get caught.

Also, paypal has been known to ask sellers to provide proof of documentation for their inventory if they suspect any 'suspicious' activity which could be grossing too much in a month or doing something they don't feel is 'normal'.

I have heard sellers selling unauthorized runs say that when they sell the item, they always listed it as authentic..but they still get their accounts suspendent because ebay says they are unauthorized dealer...which i think is totally bull, simply because almost nobody on ebay is authorzied dealer for clothings, yet there are hundreds or even thousands sellers sell branded clothings.

I also learned from the people on the forum here said they it is ok to buy liquidation and sell on ebay and it wont have problems.

so i just want to know how can i prevent my account get closed or have any problems from ebay when i sell unauthorized runs' and list them as authentic products.

as for paypal......i think i will use a merchant account (many people actuelly recommanded to use their own merchant account here as well)...i had problems with paypal before big time!!

well, what i mean with unauthorized runs' are the clothings that has been manufactoried from the same factory that produce those clothings.

Because i learned from here that ebay don't allow you to sell those clothing because of authorization....but they do allow you to sell liquidation items.

so im just curious to know that how does ebay identify if the clothing is from unauthorized runs' factory or from liquidators...

Ok, what you are referring to as unauthorised runs don't really exist, or at least I have never come across anything like it. It seems to me that you might be talking about simple fakes.

Any product made under licence is the sole property of the licence holder. If any manufacturer takes it upon themselves to sneak out a few garments to flog off on the side for nickle and dime stuff, they would find their backsides getting sued real quick.

It's just not worth them losing a valuable contract, and then losing their business to make a few bucks. They make enough from being granted the licence to manufacturer.

Definitely always keep your invoices when dealing in liquidated stock of any kind. If they do start asking, you have the proof to back up your claim.

I have heard sellers selling unauthorized runs say that when they sell the item, they always listed it as authentic..but they still get their accounts suspendent because ebay says they are unauthorized dealer...which i think is totally bull, simply because almost nobody on ebay is authorzied dealer for clothings, yet there are hundreds or even thousands sellers sell branded clothings.

I also learned from the people on the forum here said they it is ok to buy liquidation and sell on ebay and it wont have problems.

so i just want to know how can i prevent my account get closed or have any problems from ebay when i sell unauthorized runs' and list them as authentic products.

as for paypal......i think i will use a merchant account (many people actuelly recommended to use their own merchant account here as well)...i had problems with paypal before big time!!

The reason ebay is jumping on what you call unauthorised runs is because the seller is either selling fakes, or does not have the authorisation of the licence holder to distribute their products.

Any branded product has a tight distribution network so the licence holder can retain control over their market.

my friend, i really think unauthorized runs do exist..I have been to China and i have went to stores that they sell authentic products..actuelly if you ask any chinese they will tell you that there are lots lots those kind of products in china.

Because i could find a lot those kind of products from china and i was just thinking selling them on ebay and list them as authentic...

now the question is how does ebay that my item is not authentic when i list them as authentic and they looks exactly the same as authentic products??

as for authorization....how come i have the authorization to sell the stuffs from liquidation branded clothings? but not other authentic products purcharsed somewhere else??

my friend, i really think unauthorized runs do exist..I have been to China and i have went to stores that they sell authentic products..actuelly if you ask any chinese they will tell you that there are lots lots those kind of products in china.

Because i could find a lot those kind of products from china and i was just thinking selling them on ebay and list them as authentic...

now the question is how does ebay that my item is not authentic when i list them as authentic and they looks exactly the same as authentic products??

as for authorization....how come i have the authorization to sell the stuffs from liquidation branded clothings? but not other authentic products purcharsed somewhere else??

Well I am not here to disrespect anyone's opinion, so we will have to agree to disagree about such a thing being available, even though you have the advantage of having been in China where I have not.

One could however mount an argument that you don't have to be kicked by a horse to know it would hurt just a little, and I consider myself to know at least a little about China, and their branded products. Unfortunately just because shops have branded items for sale, it doesn't make them genuine.

You are talking about a Country that became famous for the $10 Rolex. Let me use this as an example. You are the owner of Mambo clothing and in so you hold the copyright to your brand, and you are having your clothing range made in China.

If you were not having them made under licence, how would you protect your market? You would be giving the manufacturer the opportunity to just keep producing garments of your branding.

This is the exact same case as you are suggesting exists, and what I am asking is if this did exist, how would Mambo remain in business for more than 24 hours. They quite simply wouldn't, they would cease to exist over night because the manufacturer could produce the garments at a price cheaper than that supplied to Mambo itself, and then undersell Mambo out of the market.

Company branding is where the value of the product lay. it's not in the quality, it's not in the price, it's in the brand and companies will go to serious lengths to protect their brand copyright, as is their right.

Listen to me, one minute I say we will have to agree to disagree, and then I sound like I am trying to convince you otherwise....lol. I am just stating raw business facts so you may understand where my opposing opinion is coming from.

Why you are permitted to sell liquidated stock on ebay, or anywhere for that matter, is because no copyright licence covers secondhand items. Once the item has been sold, it is the property of the purchaser and they are free to resell if they wish.

Even though you can get many new liquidated items, they have been purchased buy a particular business previously, and are therefore quite legal to resell so long as you are the owner.

It's no different than if you buy a brand name item at the market and sell it on ebay, so long as you are the owner, you have the full rights to on sell the item.

well, lets say that i sell sometihng that myself determined it is authentic, and they apppears to be authentic to the Vero programs...and i list them as authentic.

would ebay give me any problems? won't they just suspend my account saying that im unauthorized to sell them?

What if i sell authentic clothings that i stated that they are used..? will i get problems also?

thanx for all you response fudjj!

An unauthorized run Does exist. That is what is also considered a counterfeit.

Ebay will only give you trouble if people are Reporting you or if ebay thinks your selling them. If they do suspect then Ebay will want your personal information in case they do have a legal problem with your products. Eg Suit By Patent holder. And they will not allow you to sell if you do not provide this information.

Liquidated goods are cleared because they were sold by a Legal Authorized Distributer (the Retailer) to the Liquidation Company or Brokerage Company.

If you can prove your products are From a Liquidation source Eg. Link hidden: Login to view

Then they have no legal issue with you and you can sell freely.

Unauthorized runs are the same as counterfeits.

well, lets say that i sell sometihng that myself determined it is authentic, and they apppears to be authentic to the Vero programs...and i list them as authentic.

would ebay give me any problems? won't they just suspend my account saying that im unauthorized to sell them?

What if i sell authentic clothings that i stated that they are used..? will i get problems also?

thanx for all you response fudjj!

No issues about selling secondhand at all, just so long as you are the legal owner of the merchandise, you have the right to sell it.

If you are selling new authentic licenced products, and ebay questions your account because they suspect the items are not genuine, you would then need evidence proving that you purchased those garments through a legitimate licenced distribution avenue.

If you have that proof then you will have no problems with ebay. You just need to be able to support your claim of the items being genuine.

If you don't buy these types of garments through the licenced channels then the chances are extremely high that they will be simple reproductions, in fact I would say 100%. That is when you will find yourself suspended with ebay, but that could be the least of the your troubles.

You would be in violation of piracy laws, and if customs get hold of you then you will be in serious trouble, especially if the licence holder also wants to take action against you.

Unfortunately saying sorry, I thought they were genuine won't cut it with these guys. If you are going to import and sell branded items, then I would be making 100% sure that they were genuine, and whatever you do, don't take the word of a supplier from China.

99% of them will tell you they are genuine all day, when they know very well that they are not. I know someone currently selling fake nokias, and cleaning up. He is on borrowed time, but he can't see past the cash he is making at the moment.

It's only the fact that the replicas he is selling are such a high quality repros that he is still going now, but the moment something goes wrong he will be buried under a pile of horse doo doo that he will struggle to dig his way out of.

If you really want to sell branded garments, why not try liquidated stock to get yourself rolling. At least you will know they are genuine, and your account won't be called into jeopardy.

Fudj, unauthorized runs do exist. They are completely illegal and break the contract that 'Mambo' has with the manufacturer in China. The problem is it is so very hard to regulate what comes out of those factories, or if the design, material, hardware..etc is sent to another factory not being monitored to be produced. That coupled with the Chinese governments complete lack of control on counterfeit items...the companies who produce there really are fighting to not be undersold on their own product..which is why many companies are pushing large amounts of money into fighting counterfeiting and pushing the U.S govt to prosecute sellers within this country.

Also I agree with what you are saying about your friend..and everyone should realize this..you are only on borrowed time selling counterfeits. You will make money for awhile...unrealistic margins in fact..but eventually you will (A.) get caught by Ebay and lose your account permanetaly, (2.) get caught by the rights owner (lawsuit so say goodbye to all profit you have made and then some) or the worst (3.) get caught by the government if you do it enough and serve jail time. (This isn't an exageration..I read news stories of people who sell a few thousand dollars of counterfeit merchandise going away for years, first offense.

So If you are doing it just be happy with the money you have already made, stop, or sell off what you have if you have to and stop..its not worth it..the greed will get you later.

Well I am not here to disrespect anyone's opinion, so we will have to agree to disagree about such a thing being available, even though you have the advantage of having been in China where I have not.

One could however mount an argument that you don't have to be kicked by a horse to know it would hurt just a little, and I consider myself to know at least a little about China, and their branded products. Unfortunately just because shops have branded items for sale, it doesn't make them genuine.

You are talking about a Country that became famous for the $10 Rolex. Let me use this as an example. You are the owner of Mambo clothing and in so you hold the copyright to your brand, and you are having your clothing range made in China.

If you were not having them made under licence, how would you protect your market? You would be giving the manufacturer the opportunity to just keep producing garments of your branding.

This is the exact same case as you are suggesting exists, and what I am asking is if this did exist, how would Mambo remain in business for more than 24 hours. They quite simply wouldn't, they would cease to exist over night because the manufacturer could produce the garments at a price cheaper than that supplied to Mambo itself, and then undersell Mambo out of the market.

Company branding is where the value of the product lay. it's not in the quality, it's not in the price, it's in the brand and companies will go to serious lengths to protect their brand copyright, as is their right.

Listen to me, one minute I say we will have to agree to disagree, and then I sound like I am trying to convince you otherwise....lol. I am just stating raw business facts so you may understand where my opposing opinion is coming from.

Why you are permitted to sell liquidated stock on ebay, or anywhere for that matter, is because no copyright licence covers secondhand items. Once the item has been sold, it is the property of the purchaser and they are free to resell if they wish.

Even though you can get many new liquidated items, they have been purchased buy a particular business previously, and are therefore quite legal to resell so long as you are the owner.

It's no different than if you buy a brand name item at the market and sell it on ebay, so long as you are the owner, you have the full rights to on sell the item.

Well I am not here to disrespect anyone's opinion, so we will have to agree to disagree about such a thing being available, even though you have the advantage of having been in China where I have not.

One could however mount an argument that you don't have to be kicked by a horse to know it would hurt just a little, and I consider myself to know at least a little about China, and their branded products. Unfortunately just because shops have branded items for sale, it doesn't make them genuine.

You are talking about a Country that became famous for the $10 Rolex. Let me use this as an example. You are the owner of Mambo clothing and in so you hold the copyright to your brand, and you are having your clothing range made in China.

If you were not having them made under licence, how would you protect your market? You would be giving the manufacturer the opportunity to just keep producing garments of your branding.

This is the exact same case as you are suggesting exists, and what I am asking is if this did exist, how would Mambo remain in business for more than 24 hours. They quite simply wouldn't, they would cease to exist over night because the manufacturer could produce the garments at a price cheaper than that supplied to Mambo itself, and then undersell Mambo out of the market.

Company branding is where the value of the product lay. it's not in the quality, it's not in the price, it's in the brand and companies will go to serious lengths to protect their brand copyright, as is their right.

Listen to me, one minute I say we will have to agree to disagree, and then I sound like I am trying to convince you otherwise....lol. I am just stating raw business facts so you may understand where my opposing opinion is coming from.

Why you are permitted to sell liquidated stock on ebay, or anywhere for that matter, is because no copyright licence covers secondhand items. Once the item has been sold, it is the property of the purchaser and they are free to resell if they wish.

Even though you can get many new liquidated items, they have been purchased buy a particular business previously, and are therefore quite legal to resell so long as you are the owner.

It's no different than if you buy a brand name item at the market and sell it on ebay, so long as you are the owner, you have the full rights to on sell the item.

The point I was actually trying to make about these so called unauthorised runs not existing is that they are in now way legal, that the products are in fact fakes.

The original question regarding selling it was referenced in a way that indicated to me that although it wasn't being sourced through authourised channels, would it still be ok to sell because it was still genuine.

The point I was trying to make in a very round about way...lol, is the fact that unless any licenced product is sourced through a legal distribution channel it will not be genuine, it will only be counterfeit.

Distribution is how the licence holder protects their copyright, it's the reason some brand name products just can't be sourced without meeting strict guidelines.

Spot on about piracy laws, and I personally have absolutely no problem to see people losing everything when they get caught, even their freedom, and I think you will see a more concerted effort in the future as more and more people take advantage of the counterfeit market to profit from.

Everything except the actual store itself in china is fake.


Here in Australia they dont even allow chinese people to walk in the store.

5 days later

Since I have been a broker for high end liquidations and see these high end brand designer names anything from shoes to bags to clothes being sold in liquidation for pennies on the dollar and quite often for just about the same cost or less and there real why would you want to sell the fake goods. I get and see juicy, coach, fendi, chanel, ed hadrdy, true relgion on and on and on in shoe and bag and clothes loads daily. The quality also has alot to do with the product even though most of this high end designer merchandise is not worth the big bucks they sell it for but the qaulity is there not like most fakes.

13 days later

Wow, seems to be a lot of guestions on this subject and a lot of speculation, guessing, and probably a bit of frustration too.

As some one who has sold quite a bit of designer handbags and clothing and actually talked with the parent companies, this is what I know to be fact:

Most factories do indeed do overruns. However they are strictly not authorized. Most designer companies actually supply the materials for the goods being produced by the factories. Often a company such as lets say ralph lauren will order 500,000 shirts, but they supply much more material than needed and the factory runs off 600,000 shirts. They ship ralph lauren the 500,000 and then sell off the other 100,000 to street vendors, online purchasors and such. They are strictly not authorized to do this, but being a frugal peoples, they just do it. And in most cases they will actually make more money on the 100,000 overruns that they will on the 500,000 contract. A good example, a pair of nike shoes is produced in china for about one u.s. dollar for nike. However they will sell the over runs to an online seller for 20 or 30 bucks..

Most importantly is that in order to be legit, you can only sell 'branded' goods (designer type stuff') if you are licensed by the parent company. You absolutly must have a granted master license or sub-licence to sell their goods. If you do not then you are in violation of their copyright and trademark protection.

In addition if you purchase a branded item from a liquidator, then you have the legal right to resell that item and are covered under the 'first right of sell' laws..

If you are selling branded goods on a place like ebay and have legitimatly purchased the goods from a factory store, or liquidator, you can normally request a 'sanitized invoice' that will show that you purchased the goods from an authorized seller...I myself normally provide a photo of the receipt within my auction listing to prove that the item is authentic and purchased from an licenced and authorized seller or liquidator.. I also normally provide ebay a 'notice of intent to resell' before I go and list my branded goods.

99% of the time, its not ebay or the rights owner who reports your item and gets it pulled or your account suspended. It's an unscrupulous competitor trying to cut the competion..

Stores that are looking to rid themselves of out of style or overstocks of branded goods normally have just 3 options to dump the goods..Firstly, they discount them right in the store, secondly, they can return them to the parent company to ship to a factory store, and thirdly, they sell them in bulk to a liquidator...These are all authorized resellers...

My best advise is to only purchase goods where you can show a sanitized invoice from a factory store, liquidator, or major dept store. Designer goods are a cut-throat market and there are a ton of shady sellers out there that will take every opportunity to put you out of business if you don't take the proper steps to protect yourself....

Actually,the best fakes purses and such come out of korea.China buys them not realizing they are fake.This does happen.

I was kicked off ebay for selling REAL GENUINE DESIGNER PURSES

I had 100% positive feed back.(few years back)

Meanwhile i seen dozens of fake products continue to be sold.(fews years back, since i have nothing to do with ebay and havnt been their in years)

Does this come from agreement with ebay and Designer company?

Does Prada and such sell fakes themselves on ebay to make up losses?

Smells like something rotten.

I question it.Im not saying this is happening,but when i was kicked off for no reason,selling REAL products and watched fake stuff being sold for next to nothing it made me question.

By the way i bought the designer brand purses when on sale from one of their outlets.So i guess those were fake too.