Hello, I have recently stumbled onto this website which interested me, however, im very new to this selling business and am not sure on two things.
1) I have heard electronic goods are a rather bad idea for making proffit, so, Have any ideas about what items i should be heading towards in the market?
2) I do have an Ebay account, though im not sure it will be best for me...Any Ideas about websites which will sell my items for higher prices?
As for what products deliver the best margins, that will depend largely on where you source the products from. Most will tell you that electronic goods aren't good news and that's because the market is saturated to the point of over supply, but if you could source these items at a price that would allow you to compete, then of course an over supplied market would be that much of an issue, with the exception of the margins being tighter because of it.
It all comes back to your source, and when you are talking about online sales through auction avenues such as ebay, you are going to need an excellent source to get ahead of the game. What most people forget is that ebay is a wholesale market place, so purchasing at wholesale prices won't help you, you need to source better than that if you want to seriously compete.
You are talking more along the lines of buying in serious volume to keep your cost price down as much as possible, and even then you will find some product margins tighter than others, just need to do your research.
I would suggest liquidation, or secondhand items for you. Hit the weekend markets, thrift shops, gararge sales, etc. These sources are perfect to talk a good deal with very little outlay. Secondhand items also have other advantages over trying to sell new items on ebay.
Variety, you have a much higher chance of establishing return business when you are offering an ongoing range of diverse products, not just the same as 790 other sellers.
Yes, selling secondhand takes more leg work, but that's half the fun of it, and ebay is a perfect platform to sell secondhand items on.
As for your choice of selling avenue, there are other sites that will be cheaper than ebay to list, but none currently have the traffic that ebay has to offer. I would suggest using your ebay account, in conjunction with some of the other sites that offer free listings where you only pay upon sale.
This way you are getting better market exposure, and that will ultimately lead to better sales.