No it has not dried up, this is false.
And you know why it hasn't? Because of me and a few other people.
We've brought over 500 new eBay members and buyers to that site and literally funneled them thousands of visitors.
eBay should thank us for starting the wheels turning again after all that terrible negative publicity, which they deserved IMO, and maybe they will learn their lesson.
Maybe eBay will finally start treating their retailers/sellers with the respect they deserved. I did not have to do that of bringing hundreds/thousand plus people there so they could shop at my store and shop at eBay, craiglist etc. I did not have to give anything at all and I don't give to stingy corporations.
But I've sold out of most of my stock so no, it didn't dry up it slowed down. But then again, unlike all of you I generate my own traffic without any help. I generate by the hundreds, the thousands, to anywhere I link it up. So maybe this will do good things in the end as I started getting more active on Amazon.
Here's to a productive time and to sell out of everything I have, I wish you all luck as well and tell eBay and uBid to straighten up their act & start treating everyone good again. Ban the scammers!
are reporting bad numbers lately.
Disagree, its all in how you do your business. I think eBay and so forth will feel the recession because they're greedy or because they've been stupid.
And they don't thank me whatsoever, I definitely got business going for them again and I sure don't work for them I work my own business. I feel almost no shocks of the recession being that I don't rely on them.
As an independent business I generate traffic on my own automatically and literally flood it through like a gushing waterfall. Profits of $10 per item for my last stock sell out, which is insane, and its not over either.
Basically I have discovered the secret rule, the secret formula. 'The secret' and there is no price tag that can be put on it. It all has to do with your approach. Marketing message plus traffic, is the key to sales. No matter what. If you can't generate traffic in the range of 200-380 or 400 visitors a week or 1000 in a month then I believe you are going to sell very little.
But if you can, if you truly understand the bumpy road it is and look outside the box to let it all come to you.....then you will always succeed. Regardless of conditions, anywhere, and well...I find that interesting.
I will never tell anyone how the massive occupying residual machine works for them, and how it should always work. I am not allowed to because it will harm other's profits. But you can have the same, just look into SEO marketing and find the proper magnetic traffic machine for you.