ljohn17 I was searching on ebay for a product which i will leave nameless and found it. THe seller of the product had many of them and i placed a bid on one of the lowest ones. 3 hours before it was supose to end it got pulled and left a message saying Ebay has pulled this item. The ebay seller is no longer a registered user. He had perfect ratings and everything.
planes That is weird but he may have been selling bootleg,fakes or stolen merchandise. Dont worry he'll be back under a new name just as soon as he pulls another identity LOL
jimmy_huber Nah this can also be that the seller forgot to pay thier ebay fees. And ebey temporarily suspended thier account and pulled all of thier auctions untill the seller pays thier bill. This is common and does not mean the seller is bad. Just they should have paid thier bill on time