Seems to me that 15 negs out of 2000 is very very good feedback record considering an eBayer would still be a PS with that record.
That is less than 1%.
Now if they were out-right rip-off negs like the person never got the item, thats different. Or the negs came one after the other.
I have 2 negs on 270 FB and eBay keeps giving me new stars and giving me kudos for a job well done.
If you look at different sellers like 2ndturn, they have almost a 100 Negs on app. 5000 sales. Thats 2% and they are still going strong.
Or jayandmarie who have 4000 negs. out of 352,000FB
This guy with the sheets is probably selling fakes/poor quality or poor service or both.
I would stay away frmhim until he gts his act together.