Basically what he is doing is selling you a convienence package, hes done the research and has put together a package, and now is selling the package to you at virtually no cost to him. Now I'm not saying hes a bad guy , more power to him if he is legit, all I'm saying is that some of the skills he is proposing to teach can be learned just by googling them in. Such as 'How to fix a paper jam'. My advise is that if you want to learn something learn it on your own if you can first, then get the package. A package is usually a shortened version of the thing you want to learn. For instance, when I make a information package I research more than I have to, pick out the best ones and cut out the rest, it's kind of like the director cutting out movie scenes. I feel you get more if you do the research on your own first, then get the abridged version to help bring it all together. As for the website hes made for you, I would really just look at the website that you were reading from first. Wouldnt someone who gives you a website to run have a decent one to advertise in the first place? I would also like the point out the hidden stuff as well. You will also need to buy a domain name, hosting service, etc. He only provides you with the data for the website.