Sorry guys... I disappeared for a while again. My best friends mom was in the hospital with heart problems... plus the start of summer... getting my 3 year old signed up for Head Start (a free preschool program for 3 and 4 year olds in my area - might be other places too). She'll start school in September... she'll go on the bus one day a week, and her teacher will come to my house one day a week. We're both excited about it.
Ben - I'd love to help with the tutorials... The easiest way to get ahold of me is to email me.
Oh, something else that's been keeping me busy... I'm working on opening my own online store. A friend did an animated graphic for my header image on the store site. Now I just need to get the header made (when I formatted my computer a few weeks back, I lost all my image editors, so my sister is going to give me one to use). I need to get more products listed as well. I only have one up now, since I wanted to test out my shopping cart program. I have my site name and everything... now its just finalizing everything. Once it's up, I'll post it for feedback and suggestions.
And Jen... if I'm not on Yahoo, try emailing me and telling me to get my butt on there... Sometimes I have yahoo turned off but my email is always up.