I recently joined SaleHoo and I sell primarily handbags, beauty frequencies, wallets, paintings (fine art home goods), and other accessories. I've been selling online for about 7 years. Queen Bee of Beverly Hills (they supply new designer bags and fashion accessory items) and I have worked together for 5 years and I've never had any problems whatsoever. Anyone I spoke with was always very nice and accommodating. They are really awesome when it comes to getting wholesale quotes together for me. I've purchased about $45,000 of bags, wallets, belt, scarves, and other items over the past 5 years to sell on my online store and they are and will always be my supplier for designer fashion accessories for sure.
I am now looking for designer clothes, etc. to add to my store as well (preferably with dropshipping) and Queen Bee does not sell clothes, so that's why I am wanting to find 1 supplier for that. I like keeping personal relationships with my suppliers. I think that's very important.