I myself have used Wholesalejoes company many times. You just have to research what to buy. There are items he sells that sucks. But I have found many items from them that have made me thousands of dollars for a very little investment. I never pay attention to shipping charges. If you add a dollar or two to your own you make up that cost anyways. I think that joe has a good company and he unlike some companys does alot in the terms of customer service.
He runs his company just like many others. He sells discounted wholesale goods.
I made a bit of money off of his sweat belts he sold a long time back. Paid probably $600 for them and sold them for over $4,0000. And yes I bought some crap gold necklaces and lousy sunglasses off him but that does not mean hes a bad dealer. Many of the other items we bought we did great.
He has small order terms. Just try a sample order and if it isn't good try something else. You cant make money off of everything you buy. You have to experiment.