Hi there,
I've obviously done it again and posted a post which I actually thought was within the boundaries!
Wrong obviously, as they didn't last long before they vanished!---spooky----
So here we go, this is a post that will contain NO links to my afilliate sites, because it's not allowed, fair enough.
Jimmy did say that I could put links to my sites in my signature though, so I have done so. Thank you.
As I said there are no links here that will tell you about the awesome companies I have joined up with that provide, amongst many other things email lists, making unlimited websites --- which we all need if we are to sell on the net ----- ways of making stacks of cash and far too many other services for a ridiculously low fee.
I would love to give you the links for these but I am basically a good boy so I can't.
Oh, by the way jimmy, I tried to upload a picture to put in my profile, but it hasn't appeared, this was about three days ago, could you please let me know how to do this?
Happy hunting.
cya Steve