I felt obligated to share some research I recently did on the Auto Cool. I saw a commercial for this product and both my wife and I thought it was a great invention.
It is basically a solar powered fan that attaches to your window and sucks hot air out of your car while it sits in a parking lot or where ever all day. In the commercial they demonstrate two cars, one with the Auto Cool fan, and one without. After a few hours they show the car without the fan is 107 degrees inside, while the car with the fan is a nice cool 75 degrees. We were amazed!
Not so fast. I did some research on the web, and came across a TV news report on the same product. You can read it here:
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This news station decided to test the product themselves with the aid of the fire department to help analyze the results. Their first test, the car WITH the Auto Cool was actually HOTTER than the car with no fan! In their second test they decided to leave it in a black SUV all day long. At the end of the day the car was a boiling 108 degrees!
So buyer beware, if you see one of these commercials, steer clear. Not only does it not seem to work, but it also could be potentially misleading and dangerous if you were to use on