well i can see the only GENUINE Louis Voitton is at www.louisvuitton.com but it is Extremly EXpensive.... dont you know somewhere a can get exact Replicas of Louis Vuitton Products... that can ship to Mexico...
Hi Miguel,
It is illegal to sell designer replica products. You can't list them at eBay, eBay will pull them out. If you attempt to import them to your country, they most likely will get confiscated. :(
To help you understand fully, I am sharing the information below I got from our SaleHoo Glossary -
A replica is a very close or exact copy of a brand-name item. Replicas often unlawfully replicate trademarked terms and logos, and/or use the brand name to advertise the item.
A counterfeit, fake or knockoff item is an illegal copy of a brand name item that attempts to pass itself off as the original. Counterfeits unlawfully replicate trademarked terms and logos. The penalties for importing and/or reselling counterfeit items are severe, and can involve large fines and even a prison sentence. Customs has the right to detain and destroy any goods they suspect to be counterfeit.
Designer inspired or look-a-like items are products that are similar in appearance to a brand name item, but don’t attempt to fool people into thinking they’re originals by including trademarked features such as a logo or brand name. Designer inspired items are valid to sell, just don’t try and trick the buyer into thinking they are getting a genuine item by using brand name keywords in the listing title or description. Some Chinese suppliers use the term 'designer inspired' lightly, so make sure you check with them that the item definitely doesn't include any logos or brand names before you purchase.
We have several suppliers for designer inspired handbags, let me know if you need a list. For genuine designer bags, you may use Link hidden: Login to view