Announcing the winners of our $24,444 birthday giveaway!

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Last month, we held our biggest ever giveaway in celebration of our upcoming 7th birthday. We've just made the draw and are very excited to annouce our 7 lucky winners!

Each of our winners have scored themselves a Premium SaleHoo Store for three years. This is normally worth $3492 but our winners will take it home free. Here they are in no particular order: 

  1. Neville Bull
  2. Wayne Mcleod
  3. Tracy Tucker
  4. Andrew McBroom
  5. John L. Smith
  6. Nicola Billing
  7. Kim Burns

Congratulations to our winners! There is an email in your Inbox with all the details. 

If you missed out on a SaleHoo Store, but would like to try one for yourself, click here to learn more. 

About the author
Alice Delore

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